Please understand that even with the best possible care some pets will not enjoy being away from home. Some may not eat well, may be nervous and stressed, resulting in a loss of weight, upset stomach, or diarrhea. We will use all reasonable precautions to assure your pet’s health and safekeeping but cannot be held responsible for unforeseen circumstances.
For this reason we ask all owners to supply the food their cat normally eats, including any favourite treats labeled with the name of the pet. We do not accept fresh food.

The litter is exclusively made and provided by Cozy Cat in accordance with the disposal of the environment.

We also encourage you to bring along your cats bedding as most cats like their own to give them a sense of familiarity and help them to settle down quicker especially the first time.

We hope this site gives you an idea of what we offer, and look forward to the opportunity to meeting you and your cat.